Posts Tagged ‘health care’

I’m Back

May 23, 2011

The next few posts are from my other blog. I didn’t do much there and I was tired of paying hostgator for it so americanlibertyblog is now gone.

The Price Of Cable TV

May 2, 2011

My internet was so slow. I needed to upgrade, and you know what that entailed, upgrading my darn cable TV. I hate cable TV because they got Barack Hussein Obama elected and my payments helped. I abhor that.

When I was a little kid I remember the cable company coming around to each and every door with their hat in their hands practically begging us to sign up for cable. I can clearly remember them promising my father, “Yes, Mr. Schroeder, you will never see another commercial ad once you sign up for cable and start paying for TV.” What the heck (WTH) happened there?

PAY TV!? It was such an absurd concept back then. Who the heck would PAY for TV? Certainly not my father, he was too astute for that. It’ll never catch on. Oh how I wish he would have been right. Never underestimate the stupidity of the American people. Actually I think I should qualify that by adding, never underestimate the stupidity of the American people now that all these Euro-pukes (Soros) are integrated into our ranks.

So actually, he was right. I don’t think cable would be so wide-spread were it not for the fact that you can’t get decent internet service with out it. I know I would opt for just internet over internet stuck with gayble…I mean cable. And we only get three channels broadcast out here.

Now that we’ve “upgraded” we get a lot more channels. All those channels that I used to roll through on the TV Guide channel and I would look at it and say, “Man, I’m glad we aren’t paying for all that crap.” And why does the TV Guide channel find it necessary to show a movie. Not enough people were coming there to see what was on? Is it just me or does that seem stupid?

So. What is the cost of cable TV? What has it cost this culture? What has it cost this Country? What has it cost your community? What has it cost the American family? What… has it cost you? Are you really supposed to know about a drug bust three thousand miles from your house? Do you really need to see Prince Chuckleheads kid get hitched in real-time? I don’t even want to get into Chairman Zero (Obama) hunting down and killing Osama (Is it just me or do they seem to be related?). So, until next time, consider the cost, as well as the quality, of the information you are getting via your cable tv. Then, screw environmentalists.


April 19, 2011

I’m considered a baby boomer. I have no idea why. My parents weren’t involved in WWII and they didn’t return home to produce five just like me. I am way at the end of the line and I knew when I was about ten years old that I would be getting no consideration for anything when it came my turn. By the time I got to gubmint school the portable classrooms were pretty much trashed due to the herds of hippies that came before me. By the time I got to the summer jobs there were no more due to the herds of hippies that had come before me. But I did often get a job a little later after the hippies had screwed it up.

There were just too many hippies ahead of me. So I endeavored to opt out of any program that said I would get anything later because I knew it was a lie. A lie to get me to fund the thieving hippies ahead of me. A Ponzi scheme if you will. Bernie Madoff has nothing on FDR.

So now, here we are. All these years later and voila, I was right. First I need to put off my retirement for a few months, maybe years. Then maybe I need to… Hey. Screw this. What I need, is to get my money back. I don’t even care if there is any interest just give me my darn money and I’ll take care of myself. I always figured I would have to anyway. I never suffered under the illusion that people like Ted Kennedy and Richard Nixon would leave me anything anyway. Just opt me out.

So here‘s a sad little story about the baby boomers that don’t think they can retire. My heart bleeds. 11 percent believe they will live in comfort. Not if I can prove they voted for Chairman Zero (Obama). I’ll see them working the day they die and we’ll move them out of the way so their replacement can keep working. I’ll be a mean ol’ young guy. I’m old and sickly but people (hippies) keep calling me young. “Oh, you’re just a youngster!” Heck! I’ve produced more by 9:00 AM than you’re going to do all day, that’s all it is. And I’ve done it since you were young so don’t try to rationalize this. You suck, hippie!

“44 percent express little or no faith they’ll have enough money when their careers end.” That’s tough you jerks. Thanks to your selfish ways I have always thought I would be working until the day I die so screw you. I could not figure out how you thought you would retire and have someone else pick up the tab. You union jerks are even worse. I will not pay for you. Period.

This is just the kind of liberal entitlement that has us in this mess. Give everybody their money back and end it. The same with medicare and medicaid. But the one that tops it all off is giving it to the illegals.What the heck is that all about. They didn’t pay in. And now, Dear Leader wants to give it to them? Who’s going to pay for this crap? No! Not me. I paid for the stinking hippies. I’m done. I think I just died. Now I have been reincarnated as an illegal alien. Give me welfare and social insecurity and maybe some of them there food stamps, and I’ll be needing some of that free medical care. Until next time, screw environmentalists.

The Root

April 4, 2011

I often say things that cause people to look at me as if I were insane. I have been told that I am talking out of my… you know what. I’ve noticed that many more women are offended by the things I say than men. This has always been perplexing to me as these things I say would not have even needed to be said forty years ago. They would have “gone without saying”. They were just common sense. What the heck (WTH)?

For a long time I have just figured most women didn’t like me for whatever reason. I didn’t know if it was my smile or what but I just accepted it and moved on. I have always been a risk taker. I have the desire to move forward and get more. Heck, I’m a mechanic by trade and now here I am doing this on my own dime. Is that a risk? Is that a risk you are willing to take. I think most Americans are risk takers. Or at least descended from risk takers. You have got to risk something to get ahead, and the more you risk the more you seem to get.

In the sixties people were going out on a limb all the time. John DeLorean comes to mind. He IS the man behind the GTO. Did you know that? The machine that was GM got sick of him and away he went. Next thing you know he builds an iconic automobile. Lee Iacocca is not my first choice for man of the decade (or even the day) but you have to admit he got a lot done. He took some risks and they paid off handsomely. Why do my examples always go to the auto industry? Refer to paragraph two sentence five.

So anyway, I’m listening to Limbaugh, as I often do, and he’s saying something about some poll by someone named Celinda Lake. See that here. And the word is that she ran a poll to see what women really want. That was the catch line. The real story is, as it relates to the economy. The truth is scary. See it here. That’s right, a full 70% would pick security over opportunity. In my words, they would sell their souls for safety.

Oh, you guys out there are pointing and laughing aren’t you? Well, the survey said 54% of men would do the same thing. I can only hope this is a survey of the French, Democrats, libs, or all three. This is telling me that the majority out there would sell their souls for safety and the only thing standing between me and wearing bubble wrap from the cradle to the grave is the Constitution. God bless Thomas Jefferson and the boys.

So there you have it. The root. This is what has our country in the shape it’s in. Too many of you are afraid to do anything. You want GM and GE to do it all for you. And when the gubmint puts too many restrictions on the risk takers you want the gubmint to give you a block of cheese and some food stamps. For the FIRST time in my life I know what shame Michelle Obama was talking about. Until next time, screw environmentalists.

GOP Prez

March 30, 2011

I’m becoming a little concerned. The Democrats are already talking up Chairman Zero (Obama) for 2012 (it hurts to even say that) and the Republicans have a parade of fools out there. I don’t care how you dress him up, Mitt Romney means four more years of Chairman Zero and that’s just not an option. Romneycare is not the only shortcoming he has but here is a story about that. PMSNBC ran a story about one of his ex-aides saying his religion was his biggest problem. If that’s it bring him on.

Haley Barbour… Who? The Governor of Mississippi is another one who comes into the fray with a lot of baggage. See here. Not the least of which are the things he says regarding race. He was a lobbyist for big tobacco and big oil. I find nothing wrong with these companies but I think lobbyists should be hung right next to community organizers. Both worthless parasites in our political process. And if you think the tobacco companies are bad, get it outlawed.

Then I hear Donald Trump is going into the Presidency business. Is he even a Republican? Do you think he’s a RINO? I saw a picture of him today and I can’t find it now but it looked like he might have gone wild with the tan-in-a-can. And now he’s gone “birther” on us. See that here. But, in his defence, he is a businessman. He must know how to balance books which is something we desperately need. No one in the current regime seems to know how.

Newt Gingrich, please. That’s what I would call tired. Not to mention, if you go back and look there was this whole deal about a contract with America that went horribly wrong. Actually I don’t think it went wrong so much as they just didn’t get it done. Herman Cain? Another resounding who? Mike Huckabee? You remember from the last primary? Might as well throw Ron Paul in here, I think he’s gearing up for it. Chris Christie? Now there’s a possibility but we’ll have to wait and see. He says no but his actions say maybe.

Marco Rubio? The new tea party movement backed Senator from Florida. They are practically begging him to get in the game but he gives a firm, “No” so far. Then there’s Roy Moore, you know, the “10 Commandments Judge”. See that here. And why are Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman not on this list? That’s a team I would vote for but so many Republicans are apparently sexists.

That leaves Tim Pawlenty. Who? The former governor of Minnesota and the only serious candidate so far. No negatives to be found. When I first saw him I thought, oh no another Romney mess. But no. He’s clean so far. Let the Ministry of Propaganda (media) do that voodoo that they do so well and get any dirt they can because this guy looks good for it. Here‘s some videos and a story from none other than CBS. Oh yeah. He’s for the tea party movement. You know what though? No matter who they trot out, if they are the only viable candidate against Chairman Zero, I will try to vote for them as many times as possible. Until next time, screw environmentalists.

Outrage And Rallys

March 17, 2011

Limbaugh was on a rant one day about something or other but the thing that caught my ear was when he started asking, “Where’s the outrage?” and “Where are the rallys?’. He was referring to the tea party movement. Now don’t get me wrong, I like Rush and I really think he is about the best out there for “getting the tea party movement” but if he thinks we’re going to leave our jobs and go traipsing around protesting like the libs he’s wrong. I’m not so sure he was kidding or just making a point, I think he really thought we were going to do this. HONEST. HE IS NOT THE LEADER OF THE TEA PARTY MOVEMENT.

The thing is we ARE outraged. By a lot of things. And we elected some people to take care of it. We will send them help as soon as possible. If they can’t get it done we will replace them. We have families to feed and jobs to do. This “depression” that was created by the Ministry of Propaganda (media, MOP), while counterfeit, still hurts. And those of us who still have work must do what we can and let our votes do the protesting for us. That would be the tea party movement because we never really bought into this “depression” to begin with but now that so many others have, we must work through it.

Now some things outlive their usefulness. Then they just hang around and get fat and greedy. So if we had the money we have wasted on unions for the last fifty years we might be able to take a 674 days, 18 hours and 6 minutes off (time Zero has left, see that here) and run around the country sitting outside where ever Chairman Zero is speaking to scream “Obama lied and our economy died”. Also the race thing is over. This guy is about the worst representative of every demographic he belongs to and he clawed his way to the top so really, a crackhead Somali pirate can do it.

One more question. The MOP keeps saying how highly intelligent and learned this guy is. How he steps back and evaluates the situation. Well, if he’s so darn smart, why doesn’t he think up a way to solve our alleged energy problem instead of just attacking the energy industry? The damage done by this guy is beyond criminal and borders on treasonous. I am sick and tired of liberal crap being shoved down my throat and I will not take any more. Get used to it. Until next time, screw environmentalists.

Well Done

March 8, 2011

I just felt compelled to write to all of you today and congratulate you on a job well done. Bravo! This is what I’m talking about. This brought me right out of a thirty year depression. The American people DO care. What I am talking about is YOU, hitting them from all sides, like an Energizer bunny. You are putting the hurts to the libs and it’s thrilling me to death. First up would be Chairman Zero’s stunning order on Guantanamo. Restart the trials. Really, see it here from the liberal LA Times, who is none to pleased with their leader. Hey, he flapped his mouth like this was a done deal but he had no idea what he was talking about. With only 164 days on the job I don’t even think he knew where the executive toilet was. The funniest part of the whole ordeal was when nobody would take these poor, misunderstood, detainees. Not even the countries they came from wanted them.

Next item, the queer NPR exec running his lib mouth to the camera. The Network’s senior vice-president? Now that’s comedy. Giant sized kudos to the O’Keefe team for a splendid job. I loved every minute of it. It’s 11 minutes and 38 seconds long but well worth the watch. Go here to be entertained by unbridled stupidity. I can only hope he loses his new job as well. Here‘s a little story from ‘The Week’.

Next on the laugh riot, union busting. How about a gargantuan round of applause for Gov. Scott Walker and every one of his 280,000,000 supporters. As you can see it’s just a small, albeit very big-mouthed, fraction of the population that actually supports the union. Just call it what it is and run with it. I’m fine with outlawing unions altogether. When people were dying in mine accidents every day and getting dismembered in the sweat shops, the union had a purpose, but I don’t really think anybody’s getting killed in the Wisconsin schools due to cave ins maybe out of control liberal youths that need a whooping, but not cave ins. Maybe if the unions started sending thugs to schools to kick butt on unruly gang bangers, instead of elderly tea partiers, they would find favor with the rank and file Americans. Here‘s a little FOX News piece on that.

There are many things going on all over this great country of ours. Defunding obamacare and the EPA. Gun rights bills and State’s rights bills in State legislatures everywhere. But I think one of the best things out there is this guy. Rep. Peter King from where? You got it, New York. Who’d a’ thunk it? I have a question for all of you thinkers out there. How long before the libs start calling this guy McCarthy? I say run with it. If McCarthy had been left to finish his work we wouldn’t be in the mess we are now would we? To heck with them commies and the libs they rode in on.

One last note, I think God might be mad. First it was birds falling from the sky. Thousands of them. Then fish floating up dead on the shore. Again, thousands of them. Now… it’s anchovies! This time millions of them… in the LA harbor. Couldn’t happen to a nicer place, well maybe Malibu, but you take what you can get. I think there’s two guys in LA that read this blog, sorry guys. You know this is kind of like a plague thing I think, like the frogs or the locusts, so you better pay attention. Anyway, see that here. Until next time, screw environmentalists.

The Hidden Conspiracy

March 3, 2011

As Chairman Zero presses ahead with his illegal health care scam I reflect on some of the scams we have been dealing with for years. For example the American Medical Association (AMA). I was going to link to their site right here but the first page is already trying to recruit you so I opted out. If you must, find it yourself but I won’t be an enabler. A great organization, looking out for the American people, right? Wrong. First off it’s headquartered in Chicago. Read into that whatever you want I am just not a fan of big cities much less Chicago. But beyond that it is basically the doctor’s union. Their motto is ‘Helping Doctors Help Patients’. If you know anything about Hippocrates and the Hippocratic oath you know this should be a huge understatement but let’s not sit on formalities.

Most recently they have done such things as strongly support the findings of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). First off what are they even doing with this issue. I can see them getting tricked by the IPCC’s report as it was fraudulent but they have not retracted that statement. And most recently they have again ‘strongly supported’ obamacare. Now that it has been ruled un Constitutional what do they plan to do. I believe they have their pointy head firmly directed into the wind and they intend to ride out the storm in hopes that Zero will prevail. Is this the sort of thing an organization that cares about the people should do?

An economist named Milton Friedman accused them of filing lawsuits against chiropractors and osteopathic physicians for the unlicensed practice of medicine. There is a book, Profession and monopoly, that has quite a bit on them. See that here. They claim that the AMA limits the supply of doctors to drive up the cost of medical care in America. Sound familiar? Are we starting to see a trend here? Always follow the Benjamins.

My own personal thing is colds, flu, and cancer. I believe they have thrown enough money at these things to have a cure. I truly believe that the AMA has restricted that material in one way or another because their membership makes too much money studying and treating them to cure them. Sick? Yes. True? I believe so. What am I going to do about it? I’ve just done it. The ball’s in your court.

The AMA is not your friend just like the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) is not your friend and the United Auto Workers (UAW) is not your friend. If you think they are, you are deceiving yourself and playing a very dangerous game with the future of this country and your children. These people will trade you and yours for an extra dollar a day. And when push comes to shove they will shove anybody under the bus as Zero is starting to find out. So, until next time, screw environmentalists.

It’s Not Karma

February 16, 2011

The woman on the TV said the price of everything is going to soar. SOAR? How high? Everything? How can this be? We have the smartest President ever on the job. Right? Apparently not. It would seem our young President has spent money like a drunken moron. As you can see the debt, see here, is at $14 trillion and rising. That is just the value of securities we have outstanding. I think we should go ahead and look at that number dead in the middle. That total debt. That includes everything. How much you owe. How much I owe. How much GM owes. $55 trillion. WHAT? That thing is jumping faster than everything else on the board. That’s because it includes everything else on the board.

Here’s the thing, every body just worries about themselves. Nobody cares about anyone else. It’s all me, me, me. What can the world do for me? What does the world owe me? How can I get my fair share? I can’t believe people are willing to put this burden on their children. Then I go to the mall and look around. Sick and sad. That’s all I’ve got to say about the state of those people. Anywhere. Go. Look. I’m sure there are some good ones but most are just out for themselves. It’s scary.

Oh sure, some pay lip service, “Oh I love my kids.” “I’d do anything for my babies.” HEY! Try paying your debt! “Well, maybe not that, but anything else.” Ok, try not running up any more debt! “Well, I’ve got to have a flat screen, a new car, and a 4G phone, but right after that…” And there’s no end in sight because they are training their “babies” to be just like them. When their young adults need a lesson in frugality they are instead given a lesson on how to borrow more. Sick and sad.

You know? I’ve watched that program on TV, “My Name Is Earl”. It’s ok but it really doesn’t make much sense it’s just funny how anyone could be that dumb. The stuff he did and does. You know it’s not karma that makes his life better or worse it’s just acting decent. It works every time. If you just straighten out and act decent people respond in kind. Everything goes better. Anyway, that’s just my take on it, until next time, screw environmentalists.

Gubmint Money

February 15, 2011

I’m thinking about starting a business. The gubmint gives out money for that sort of thing don’t they? I was thinking of starting a junkyard. It seems like everything turns into junk sooner or later so that would probably be a going concern. I wonder what you have to do to get a subsidy? I think this would be advantageous to the public and I think that’s the only prerequisite to get a subsidy.

It would certainly be much more advantageous than Amtrak. And they have been getting subsidized since day one and, they have never made a nickel. I am pretty sure I could do better than that.

The Public Broadcasting System (PBS) is another one that eats up subsidies and spits out crap. I think the only thing they can point to that doesn’t offend someone is Sesame Street and I have never seen it so I don’t know, I just have not heard anything negative about it.

How about we revisit National Public Radio (NPR)? Now there’s a real crapper. I have tried to listen to it but I could never stomach anything for more than a few days. It’s like they have the Midas touch only with feces. Everything they touch turns to crap. And I think they work almost entirely on subsidies.

So now let me ask you, does General Motors (GM) work on subsidies now? I don’t know. I heard they were getting money. Then I heard they were paying it back. Now I’m hearing that they paid it back with more borrowed money. I give up. Who really knows?

Another good one is Chrysler. I remember when they got the original bailout. Lee Iacocca was in charge of that. Everybody said he was a real good con-man. I have always thought that they should have gone out of business. That was either right before or right after American Motors (AMC) went out of business. Nobody came running out to them with a bailout. At the time I think they had better models than Chrysler. I know I own a Chrysler and it has never been in a wind tunnel. That thing makes the craziest noises going down the road.

I guess what I’m getting at here is that I think that if it needs a subsidy it should not exist. Amtrak? No. PBS? No. NPR? No. I think we could do just fine without them. GM, too big to fail? Can we get by without them? I think so. Chrysler? Let them fail. How can I say this? I believe the car companies are, and have been, too big for too long. I think smaller, more localized companies should be doing the job. Oh well. Until next time, screw environmentalists.