Posts Tagged ‘United Auto Workers’

The Hidden Conspiracy

March 3, 2011

As Chairman Zero presses ahead with his illegal health care scam I reflect on some of the scams we have been dealing with for years. For example the American Medical Association (AMA). I was going to link to their site right here but the first page is already trying to recruit you so I opted out. If you must, find it yourself but I won’t be an enabler. A great organization, looking out for the American people, right? Wrong. First off it’s headquartered in Chicago. Read into that whatever you want I am just not a fan of big cities much less Chicago. But beyond that it is basically the doctor’s union. Their motto is ‘Helping Doctors Help Patients’. If you know anything about Hippocrates and the Hippocratic oath you know this should be a huge understatement but let’s not sit on formalities.

Most recently they have done such things as strongly support the findings of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). First off what are they even doing with this issue. I can see them getting tricked by the IPCC’s report as it was fraudulent but they have not retracted that statement. And most recently they have again ‘strongly supported’ obamacare. Now that it has been ruled un Constitutional what do they plan to do. I believe they have their pointy head firmly directed into the wind and they intend to ride out the storm in hopes that Zero will prevail. Is this the sort of thing an organization that cares about the people should do?

An economist named Milton Friedman accused them of filing lawsuits against chiropractors and osteopathic physicians for the unlicensed practice of medicine. There is a book, Profession and monopoly, that has quite a bit on them. See that here. They claim that the AMA limits the supply of doctors to drive up the cost of medical care in America. Sound familiar? Are we starting to see a trend here? Always follow the Benjamins.

My own personal thing is colds, flu, and cancer. I believe they have thrown enough money at these things to have a cure. I truly believe that the AMA has restricted that material in one way or another because their membership makes too much money studying and treating them to cure them. Sick? Yes. True? I believe so. What am I going to do about it? I’ve just done it. The ball’s in your court.

The AMA is not your friend just like the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) is not your friend and the United Auto Workers (UAW) is not your friend. If you think they are, you are deceiving yourself and playing a very dangerous game with the future of this country and your children. These people will trade you and yours for an extra dollar a day. And when push comes to shove they will shove anybody under the bus as Zero is starting to find out. So, until next time, screw environmentalists.


May 16, 2009

Are you a union man? When I used to work in the factories I was asked that question a lot. I was raised in the sixties when we were in a cold war with the UNION of Soviet Socialist Republics. Now I am watching my country being turned into the Union of Socialist States of America. I do belong to a credit union. I once belonged to the International Brotherhood of Chauffeurs and Warehousemen of America. I also belonged to two different branches of the United Auto Workers. I didn’t think much of them at the time, I was probably more management material than a union man.

Some years later my views began to change. Big business was running rampant. I didn’t really want to have anything to do with big business or unions. I had the view that they deserved each other. It was what I call a “who cares fight”, you don’t really care who wins, just so they fight long and hard and do a lot of damage to each other. Maybe that was short sighted. Maybe the damage they have done to each other is culminating in this mess we are seeing today. Maybe we will not come out of this predicament.

Then again, maybe this is just what we need. Perhaps Obama is more cunning than we originally thought. One hundred years ago there were over a hundred car companies in America, all healthy. Google it, you’ll be amazed. Stanley, Stutz, La Salle, Oldsmobile, Cadillac, Ford, Buick, Lincoln, Chevrolet, Mercury and many more. All separate little companies producing products locally and causing communities to thrive. Then the megalomaniacs got in the business and the smaller companies were either swallowed up by the bigger ones or systematically put out of business.

I have always thought it would be nice to have a small company churning out a couple hundred cars a year. Maybe this could come to be. I don’t think that would be such a bad thing. We’ll need to get the government out of the business, but once they drive GM and Chrysler into the ground I think the American people will see through the shroud of secrecy and throw them out. Then entrepreneurs from all over America could begin new and maybe we will see a whole new crop of options to choose from. Might as well look for some kind of silver lining in this cloud of doom.