Posts Tagged ‘carbon-dioxide’

I’m Back

May 23, 2011

The next few posts are from my other blog. I didn’t do much there and I was tired of paying hostgator for it so americanlibertyblog is now gone.

A Tribute As Such

May 20, 2011

I often lament the fate of the American auto industry. And for that I sometimes get ridiculed. They were too big and slow to react to the market demands. They didn’t give us the little piece of crap cars we wanted. What is the number one selling vehicle in America? No. Not a darn Corolla, a full-sized American pick up truck. Why do you think that is? Because it’s what America wants.

I called the local talk radio station one day. They have a little piece called “what’s bugging you” or something along those lines. I just said, “The Toyota in front of me with the “Proud American” bumper sticker.” The jerk DJ almost tripped over his own posterior trying to suck up to the Toyota dealer sponsor of his. He tried to run me into the ground but I had already hung up and now he wonders why nobody calls him. But I digress.

What is it you do for a living? Are you a craftsman? Are you a professional? Are you a salesperson? Suppose some gubmint agent walked into your place of business one day. And it was obvious from the git go that he had no idea how to do what you do. But he forged ahead and made it law that you had to do things his way. And everything he wanted you to do was exactly the wrong thing at the wrong time. How long would your business last? The auto industry has lasted forty years so far. In the shadow of the EPA. Looming like the angel of death waiting to give another defunct car company the double tap.

Here’s a fact that I know first hand. In other words I was there. I saw it. When I was young I worked as a dealership mechanic. I used to prep new cars for delivery. A car that sold in America for eight thousand dollars sold in Sweden for thirty thousand dollars. That’s almost four times as much. Was it due to shipping? No. Was it due to the exchange rate of money? No. I know you’re wondering, “Well what the heck can it possibly be?” Tariffs and taxes. Swedish tariffs and taxes, to be exact. The Swedes did not want our vehicles in their fair country. But some Swedes were apparently willing to pay that price because I prepped a lot of vehicles for that program. But you know what the funny thing was? A Volvo in America was about ten grand at the time. How can that be?

1979. That’s how long we’ve been taking it in the shorts on that deal. Is that a monument to longevity or what? That company is still in business. For now. How many Volvo’s would we see running around if they were being marked up 375 percent due to import taxes and tariffs? I venture to say quite a few less than we do now. Let’s see, thirty grand conservatively times 3.75 is one hundred twelve thousand five hundred dollars. You going to pay it? Yeah, the Japs are the same way. You going to pay a hundred grand for a crappy Toyota with no cup holders? Didn’t think so. Until next time, screw environmentalists.

VMT, VAT What’s In A Name

May 5, 2011

VAT, the value added tax is really a stupid idea. It has no merit and will do one thing, make American made goods and services cost the consumer more. The additional tax money will go down the giant toilet known as the federal gubmint.

How does the VAT work? Simple, at every stage of production a small tax is added to reflect the value of that particular piece of the overall product. An example would be a car seat. When the cow is raised there would be a tax. When the cow is slaughtered there would be a tax. When the leather is tanned there would be a tax. When the pattern is cut there would be a tax. When the pieces of the pattern are sown together there would be a tax. When the cover is fitted to the seat frame there would be a tax. Are you getting the picture?

What is the VMT? This is an idea that makes the VAT look pretty smart. I had been looking for this for quite a while now, and I couldn’t remember the name of it. A tip of the hat to Rush Limbaugh for bringing it to my attention today. Here‘s a short piece about it, and here‘s an actual copy of one of the drafts of a law that includes it. The IHAC (I Hate America Club) has been kicking this one around for decades and they seem to think they might have a chance at getting it by this administration. I’ve got news for them.

Anyway, here’s the crux of the matter. Chairman Zero (Obama) would have you, the American citizen, pay some inflated BS price to have some electronic POS (piece of sh..) installed on your vehicle. This POS would then record how many miles you drive. At some point after that, let’s say when you plug-in to recharge your battery (Oh. Yeah. You smug slugs with the electric crap will be paying this as well. Did I forget to mention that?) or when you get fuel at the pump, the POS will download all this data to the gubmint and you will probably be electronically transferring funds to them at that time to cover your “taxes”.

Nice huh? Are we beginning to see what the “beast” might be? I’m not worried about this because I have just started a business that is sure to be a huge success. No, I’m not teaching people how to beat the POS, I’m teaching them how to syphon fuel. Until next time, screw environmentalists.

How Do You See It

May 4, 2011

I think the United States has been doing things right for a long time. Industry exploded here and became the best in the world. That was not an accident it was by design. This country was set up to succeed, and succeed it did. And not just at industry. I do not purport to know a lot about finance but many who do have done extremely well in this country. Everything that has been tried here has succeeded on a large-scale.

America has been number one in the world for quite some time now, as evidenced by this clip from the early sixties. American productivity has been unequalled for decades. But lately it seems that things have been falling off. How can this be? Have we been riding on our reputation for too long? Are other cultures more adept at productivity? Or are there forces out there that would like to see us fail? The usual suspects come to mind, Russia, China, Iran. But could there be something else out there trying to put us in the hurt locker. For quite some time now America has been under attack.

America’s productivity is what has made it great. There was a time, not too long ago when “Made In America” meant something really great. It was the best you could own. Everything else was a cheap knock off. Productivity was not limited to products either. American inventions were the best the world had to offer. Other countries proudly copied our designs.

This… is how our country is being attacked. Our productivity is being slowly assassinated. From all sides. Let’s look at the obvious. Unions. They even absconded with the made in America phrase. They have dumbed down our work force until we are barely able to do one task at a time much less produce a product. On top of that we have been taught to believe we are owed a lot more than we are actually worth. Thank you union boss.

How about gubmint schools. They have really done their part to turn us into blithering idiots. Idiots that know how to use a condom, but idiots just the same. Why are these things being done, and who is doing them? This is the simple part folks. It’s also why I hate environmentalists so much. Liberals, socialists, communists, call them what you will but they all hate America. What I can’t understand is why.

This is the assault that has been going on for over a hundred years. It has taken its toll. We are a country that seems to produce nothing, yet consumes enough to produce huge deficits every year. Think about it, when was the last time you purchased something made in America. I’ve even noticed that our produce is coming from other countries now. Why is that?

The problem is Barack Hussein Obama and his cronies. The moratoriums on drilling. The needless “regulations” they impose on people just trying to do business. We are on our way back to productivity but I hear too many people with the idea that we are heading back to the age of polluted waterways and unbreathable air. The laws are in place. They can be enforced. But the business can not be revived while all these obstacles are being thrust in the way. Wake up America. Until next time, screw environmentalists.

The Price Of Cable TV

May 2, 2011

My internet was so slow. I needed to upgrade, and you know what that entailed, upgrading my darn cable TV. I hate cable TV because they got Barack Hussein Obama elected and my payments helped. I abhor that.

When I was a little kid I remember the cable company coming around to each and every door with their hat in their hands practically begging us to sign up for cable. I can clearly remember them promising my father, “Yes, Mr. Schroeder, you will never see another commercial ad once you sign up for cable and start paying for TV.” What the heck (WTH) happened there?

PAY TV!? It was such an absurd concept back then. Who the heck would PAY for TV? Certainly not my father, he was too astute for that. It’ll never catch on. Oh how I wish he would have been right. Never underestimate the stupidity of the American people. Actually I think I should qualify that by adding, never underestimate the stupidity of the American people now that all these Euro-pukes (Soros) are integrated into our ranks.

So actually, he was right. I don’t think cable would be so wide-spread were it not for the fact that you can’t get decent internet service with out it. I know I would opt for just internet over internet stuck with gayble…I mean cable. And we only get three channels broadcast out here.

Now that we’ve “upgraded” we get a lot more channels. All those channels that I used to roll through on the TV Guide channel and I would look at it and say, “Man, I’m glad we aren’t paying for all that crap.” And why does the TV Guide channel find it necessary to show a movie. Not enough people were coming there to see what was on? Is it just me or does that seem stupid?

So. What is the cost of cable TV? What has it cost this culture? What has it cost this Country? What has it cost your community? What has it cost the American family? What… has it cost you? Are you really supposed to know about a drug bust three thousand miles from your house? Do you really need to see Prince Chuckleheads kid get hitched in real-time? I don’t even want to get into Chairman Zero (Obama) hunting down and killing Osama (Is it just me or do they seem to be related?). So, until next time, consider the cost, as well as the quality, of the information you are getting via your cable tv. Then, screw environmentalists.

Climate Dead

April 28, 2011

“Climate is dead as a major political issue for the foreseeable future.” That from our Dear Leader Chairman Zero (Obama). According to the Baltimore Sun (which I won’t link to here because it keeps having pop-ups in front of what I’m trying to read in a desperate attempt to keep it’s liberal hide afloat) during his weekly radio address (Zero has a weekly radio address?) about energy Zero said nothing about climate change. Maybe he is smarter than I think.

So, sports fans, what have we learned when Zero says something is over? That’s right, it’s time to CYA because he’s getting ready to give it to you from another angle. He’s got to be extremely pleased with the price of fuel. And now they’ve taken to blaming the oil companies. “Record earnings” is all you hear. Well that don’t really shake down like it sounds and the “gubmint subsidies” are pure lies. You see, gubmint subsidies are when  the gubmint (by force) takes money from one person (me) and gives it to another person (welfare recipient). What the oil companies are getting is tax credits. In other words they get to keep more of their “record earnings”. Do you see the difference.

Anyway, let’s get back to the climate issue. When Zero says it’s dead we know from experience that it will be coming from another angle. So, all we have to do is keep our eyes peeled for it. Several possibilities present themselves not the least of which is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). They still have not been defunded. Why is that? That would be a fine question for your Senators and Representatives.

“I believe there is nothing to fear from common-sense use of the Clean Air Act to begin to put this country in the direction of moving towards addressing our greenhouse-gas emissions,” That pant load is from none other that the talented Lisa Jackson. I know. I know. Nobody knows who the heck she is, she’s the administrator of the EPA. So here it comes already. So in his weekend address (Really?) Zero implies it’s over. Then on Tuesday Jackson says what now? Don’t say I didn’t warn you. If you want to sit there and play Farmville instead of e-mailing your good for nothing Senator don’t come crying to me when they are slapping a tax on your beer farts.

The EPA continues on its tear of stupidity by attacking yet another contributor to your enjoyment of beer, the noble refrigerator. Yes, apparently, since the beginning of time refrigerators have been made with insulation in them to help keep the beer cold. This insulation is filled with tiny bubbles. The tiny bubbles are not filled with air, they are filled with a deadly gas that will cause the Earth to come to a boil if released into the environment. If you believe that I have a “Drill in the Gulf for Free” card you can buy.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the ocean levels are going down and both of the warmi scientists have agreed to ignore the data (David Mann, see video). Well I had to link to something today. Until next time, screw environmentalists.

The Cost Of Fuel

April 27, 2011

I received an e-mail the other day showing the price of fuel in Riyadh as nine cents a gallon. Here it’s shaking out a little cheaper, it’s looking like about four cents a gallon. Either way I just want to puke. Our price is around four bucks and Chairman Zero (Obama) says he can’t do anything about it. Yet we were told by the Ministry of Propaganda (media) that Bush could do something about it? So how is it, ABC? Can they or can’t they? I’m sick of your liberal lies.

Look at the face on this one (picture courtesy of The Drudge Report). Are you going to sit there and tell me he isn’t up to something? He told us he wanted fuel prices at four bucks a gallon two years ago, he just didn’t want it so fast. Well now he’s got his four bucks a gallon. Are you happy? I know I’m not. I happen to know that he can do something to make the prices go down, but we’ll talk about that later.

Right now I wanted to let you know that I will be taking off May 9 through May 13. I have purchased a great big Chevy (Obama Motors) truck and I am going to drive it 3000 miles just to see how it feels. All the price estimators say it will cost about $600.00. I’ll believe that when I see it.

In an attempt to keep fuel prices low South Carolina has resorted to communism. The gubmint there will soon be telling the fuel suppliers how much they can charge. I know if I was the guy with the fuel and I was told to just go ahead and lose money I would put out a sign that said I was “out of gas” and just sit on it. Do you think any of the suppliers in SC will go that route? Here‘s a story about it.

Now Zero could do something to make this all just go away. But he won’t. I’m taking bets and laying odds. You see, the reason fuel is four to nine cents a gallon in Riyadh is because they are an oil-producing country. They have a large reserve of oil to tap. You want to hear something funny? We have a larger reserve to tap… but we won’t. The environmentalists have got Zero in their back pocket and he does their bidding. Thus the moratorium in the gulf.

I don’t want to get like the boy who cried wolf but I never want you to forget that this whole fuel thing is a pant load. Every so often I want to get one off to remind you who is behind this “recession”. Here’s a quick pop quiz to piss you off. How long has it been since we built a refinery in America? Answer: Thirty years. Who is drilling in the gulf? Answer: Brazil and China. What would be the easy way to get the oil in the gulf? Answer: We can get to it from our shores. We don’t even have to drill in the deep water. Why are we not drilling on our shores? Answer: Because the libs (environmentalists) have the politicians in their back pockets. Do we even need to drill on our shores? Answer: No. There are plenty of wells all over America that are capped and not producing because the gubmint ordered it. Do you know the reason why? Neither do I. Until next time, screw environmentalists.

Is It A Cycle

April 26, 2011

Since 1998 the “global” temperature has been dropping. I don’t know exactly what giant brains are spewing out that statistic but it seems to be coming from the liberal left and they are keeping it quiet unless it suits their purpose of the day. When I was a youngster I remember it getting very cold and snowing a lot. I remember the “scientists” in their laboratories claiming we were heading for an ice age. What the heck (WTH)? I don’t remember if that was before or after LSD was made illegal but I really don’t think it matters as acid flashes would still do the job just fine.

Then the end of the last century was filled with the old sages carrying their “The End Is Near” signs all over the place. I just had to go back and correct my spelling of all from al. That would be because as I was writing that line Algore came to mind. Funny, huh? His sign was a whole animated movie. Anyway, Al and the sages were adamant about global warming being the end of the world. Some even grew nads and gave us dates, most of which have come and gone but we do have one next year that they are sure is a shoe in because their sacred Mayans did it for them. Then one of their heathen gods, Nostradamus, confirmed it in one of his vague and sketchy quatrains. Good stuff.

In the early 1900’s, which I wrote about here, we had the ice age scare then in the 1920’s and ’30’s we had the warming scare, (Remember the dust bowl?), then the ice age of the 1970’s, then the warming scare of the 1990″s. Here‘s a more recent article on that. Are you starting to get the picture? It’s the weather. If you don’t like it wait a few minutes, it’ll change. How many States use that as their official weather joke?

The thing that really puzzles me is the number of people out there that can’t even remember their own lifetime. WTH happened in the ’90’s? What happened in the ’80’s? What happened in the ’70’s? It often makes me want to puke. It’s like the argument goes in a circle. OOHH! Just like the weather. Who said that?

This idiotic debate over funding the EPA has got to stop. We sent these elected officials there for a reason. If they can’t get it done we will get them some help come 2012. If they still can’t get it done we will find someone who can in 2014. My point in this whole big story is not to get discouraged. My whole life the congress has been eroding my freedoms. It has been leading up to the day when we have that face off at my front door to the death. Finally, here we are with a chance to take it all back. Don’t let it go. It has taken the commies over a hundred years to get to this point. I think the progress we have made so far is very good. Until next time, screw environmentalists.

Happy Earth Day

April 22, 2011

Earth day, what the heck (WTH) does that mean? Earth day was founded as an environmental (there’s that dirty word again) “teach in” (WTH?) in 1970 by Gaylord Nelson (enough said?). Dang, that sentence was full of feces. I don’t know where to start. Let’s start with the human, Gaylord Nelson. Not a totally bad guy. A lib Senator from Wisconsin that died a few years back. He was actually in WWII and was Governor of Wisconsin for a while.

Teach in. WTH is that? Oh heck, this is a cluster. See here. It’s not really defined. It’s one of those things that the libs would like to keep “sketchy”. They start off by calling it a complicated issue. I’m sick of this terminology. What’s so complicated? They are trying to make it complicated but if you get back to the basics it’s not complicated at all. It’s the Earth.

The “refusal to limit the discussion to a specific frame of time”, WTH does that mean? It sounds like we’ll just go on and on and on. Actually that’s a pretty good definition of the lib BS. They do just want to go on and on and on…

Finally, when I see that much about Berkley, Viet Nam, and Ann Arbor, I know it’s time to move on. None of those things are good and all of them are communist. So there you have it, a communist, never-ending discussion about dirt founded by a probable fag. Was that too much? Screw it.

So Chairman Zero (Obama) chooses today to end his three-day extravaganza of fuel consumption (53,300 gallons) while campaigning for 2012. So in other words we just paid $180,000.00 minimum to fly his good-for-nothing butt around the country while he tries to get re-elected. See here. I really hate these guys. I don’t care who they are if they’re going to do this crap they need to pay for it themselves. Now I just want to jump around for a few minutes yelling obscenities.

Ok, I’m back. I think I’m having a stroke but I feel better than I did when I first read this crap. I laid on the floor doing the squirrel for five minutes after that. I think the worst part of this is that I have no recourse. At least for the Human Achievement Hour I can turn all my lights on for an hour. Here, Zero has already beat me to it. There is no way I can afford to burn fifty thousand plus gallons of fuel, much less in three days. But when it’s all said and done you know what? Who is still really in charge? It’s Good Friday. Jesus died at 3:00 PM. Until the day after Easter, screw environmentalists.

World Car Of The Year

April 21, 2011

I’ve never heard of such a thing but Carlos Ghosn, the CEO and Chairman of Nissan, the maker of the Leaf, thinks it’s a prestigious award. Apparently the winner is chosen by a panel of automotive journalists from Asia, Europe, and North America.

Journalists? Well that explains quite a bit. Are they really the ones that should be making such a call? I mean maybe they can write about a vehicle but what do they really know? Can any of them even find a spark plug, much less change it? I thought maybe the Society of Automotive Engineers or some mechanics organization. But no. Journalists. Decisions being made by people like this is what has us in the mess we’re in.

You have to wonder why they would even choose such a vehicle. There is, of course, the obvious. It’s an electric car. Yep, just plug her in and go on your merry way. Eight hours later you’re good to go a hundred miles. What the heck (WTH)? Two kind of ugly questions come to mind here. One, eight hours charge to go a hundred miles? And two, where does the electricity come from? The first is just what it is but the second… well let’s just move to the next item for now.

Algore has got to be shaking with rage over this. “Apple Named Least Green Tech Company” is the headline to the article. Algore is on Apple’s board of directors. How sad is that? Mr. “My mansion only has fifty-three bathrooms” is running a dirty company according to his cronies over at greenpiece. I know, I know, I spelled it that way because they are a piece. Of what, you fill in.

“So,” you ask, “how could a company with such an environmentally aware board member, a company that uses sheep to maintain their lawn, how can this company be on a list of “dirty companies”? I know, it’s just so darn funny. Isn’t it? Mr. “Lying sack of you fill it in” in charge of a dirty company. As decreed by greenpiece, no less. Well, it seems that they rely heavily on… wait for it… wait for it… electricity. That’s right sports fans that universal, magical, mythical, mystical delight that brings you incandescent bulbs and arc welders is once again at the root of Algore’s problems.

But, let us extrapolate. If dirty, filthy, rotten electricity makes Algore a bad boy, where then does that leave poor old Mr. Ghosn and his filthy Leaf? Not to mention the “journalists”. As the British would say, “That’s a bit of a sticky wicket.” I don’t know what that means but from the context I’ve heard it used in I’m sure it fits here and it sure sounds funny. As Rush Limbaugh likes to say, “The leaf is a coal-fired car.” As Larry the cable guy says, “I don’t care who you are, that’s funny.” Until next time, screw environmentalists.