Posts Tagged ‘Ann Arbor’


June 28, 2010

As a ship, capable of cleaning up Obama’s oil spill, steams its way to the gulf where it will probably not be allowed to help, Elena Kagan attempts to weasel her way into the nearly liberal body we call the Supreme Court. I say nearly liberal because they did uphold the Second Amendment today, 5-4.

5-4. Is that a true representation of the American people? I don’t mean the liberal urban hell where you stay, I mean all of America. Yes, if you live in Berkeley, California or Ann Arbor, Michigan, this probably is a true representation of the world as you know it. But beyond those “hallowed halls” of academia the sane world lurks waiting patiently for the libs to kill themselves off through stupidity like abortion and being unarmed in a dangerous world.

You might want to put a little more pressure on your liberal Senators regarding this Kagan thing. But back to the boat. The entire effort to clean this mess to date has yielded a little more than 600,000 barrels. The A-Whale is a converted tanker that can clean 500,000 barrels a day. Let’s see, 600,000 barrels in 60+ days or 500,000 barrels each and every day. I’ll take the A-Whale, pay the man Barry.

You may be wondering why Chairman Zero wouldn’t go for this. Well I’m glad you asked. You see, the A-Whale is owned by Taiwanese and fly’s a Liberian flag. I doubt if the flag or the owners bother Zero but they do bother his union buddies. Is that why Zero won’t wave the Jones Act. By the way, is that named for Ho Ho Ho Green Jobs Czar? Oh well, who needs the gulf anyway? We’ve got LA. To read about the A-Whale click here. Until next time, screw environmentalists.