Posts Tagged ‘Fanny Mae’

Fanny And Freddy

May 27, 2010

So, have you ever wondered what really happened to Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac? Well so did some Representatives in the House. So much so that they filed a freedom of information act request. What did this reveal, you ask? Nothing.

I know what you’re thinking, how can this be? Well sit right back and listen to this. Last week, about the nineteenth or twentieth I was watching something on TV and I heard this. So I wrote it down to research for this week. Do you think I can find it anywhere on the internet? It was definitely on FOX News channel but I can find nothing about it so I’m working from my flawed memory here.

Apparently some Republican Representatives were curious about the circumstances that lead to the bubble burst thing so they contacted the Obama administration about a freedom of information request and here’s what they were told. Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac are not “full-fledged” gubmint agencies so the act does not apply to them. WTF?

This wasn’t me an’ Bubba from the local watering hole it was duly elected officials from several of the States being treated this way. Now I don’t know about you but I would have been quite upset had me an’ Bubba been treated this way but to have the “administration” treat duly elected Representatives this way really has my blood boiling.

So my next thought is if they’re not full-fledged gubmint agencies why are we fully funding them? I think that might be something that needs looking into. Well, by the handwriting on the wall I see we are probably screwed again so until next time, screw environmentalists.


August 7, 2009

In case you haven’t noticed, my favorite Founding Father is Thomas Jefferson,  even though I have more in common with Benjamin Franklin. Anyway, in 1802 Thomas Jefferson said, “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”

What do you think of that? Does any of it sound familiar? The Fed is a privately owned bank you know? Fanny Mae, Ameriquest, GM and the rest grew up around it you know? There was a bubble and now what is Chairman Zero doing to your dollar? Is BHO going to be your landlord? If we get out of this, what do you think we should do with the Federal Reserve Bank?

If anything good is going to come out of this it’s that Obama is destroying corporations.  If you think I’m talking insane here refer to Jefferson’s quote on standing armies, banks and corporations. Look for Beck or Limbaugh to put this together pretty soon but I think only Beck has the stones to say it.