Posts Tagged ‘electric supplier options’


October 4, 2009

Why the auto industry? Why air travel? Why the banking industry? Why health care? If ever anything needed socializing it’s the utility companies. They already have a monopoly in most areas so what the heck could the gubmint hurt? This is quite possibly the only business that the gubmint should be in. At least at the local level. I have seen small utilities run by local co-ops and it works great. The people own it and run it and the rates are much lower because it is a true non-profit. The stock holders are the customers and it is fantastic. I long to belong to one.

Although I was watching the video “Banking Queen” by Bawney Fwank and it occured to me that somwone like him could even screw this up so I guess it would have to be local co-ops. Of course all gubmint should be local. The feds should have little or no power over the local scene. Their jobs is to keep our borders (FAIL) and determine foriegn policy (FAIL). But back to the matter at hand, how many times have you moved somewhere new and asked what are my electric supplier options? Ever? Anybody? I didn’t think so. It’s always Monopolized Conglomerate Electric or… well even nothing is not an option. Through peer pressure, marketing and codes you pretty much must have electrical power to your home to even get a certificate of occupancy. Maybe I’ll turn Amish.